The Language text file (VCDEasy_XX.lng) has 3 parts:
where XXXXXXXX is the language name and xx is the language short code (this short code is also used in the name of the language file)
On the left part, you have the name of variables I use in the code, you must not change them.
On the right part, the english translation... this is what you need to replace.
In the section, there are English sentences on the left part that need to be translated on the rigth part.
NB: I let the French 'sentences' on the right part just as example for the ^,&&,"%s"... usage.
When there is somewhere on the left part a %s, you must also put it somewhere on the rigth part... it will be replaced at runtime by a name or a string.
If you comment a line, or if the left part of a line (which should not be changed) is changed, English will be display as default.
The language file will change as I continue coding, but each time I will change something, I will keep trace of the changes...
Do not hesitate to contact me for questions (for example when out of its context, some words/sentences may be dificult to translate), or if you need me to change the size of something on the GUI (when possible...)